The Production Line

Dec 08, 2020

The first project on our 12kW laser cutter

Here's our new 12kW laser cutting a 3mm galvanized sheet for a street furniture project. It will go through the full fabrication process of bending, welding, powder coating and assembly ready for engineers to fit out with their components.

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Nov 11, 2020

Throught the dispatch area

The Bystronic 12Kw Laser is here

With automatic magnification, kerf scan functionality and a nozzle control tool our latest machine can cut thicker, faster with the highest flexibility - meaning we can process your order even faster than before.

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Nov 06, 2020

Laser leaving

Making room for bigger and better lasers

Here's our Bystar CO2 laser leaving the building. It's done us proud and served us and our customers well. We're excited for our latest investment to take its spot.

Nov 05, 2020

New 12kw Laser cutter

Our new 12 kW laser is coming soon

We're getting excited for the arrival of our brand new Bystronic ByStar Fiber Laser on Monday, which will help us reduce turnaround times for our customers.

Nov 02, 2020

Image 2020 10 07 at 2 00 22 pm

Out with the old

Welcome to our new website. We've listened to your feedback and made it even easier to find the information you need.

Oct 07, 2020


Helping to keep the streets clean

We produce bins and other street furniture for councils all over the UK. From simple designs like this one to complex laser cut designs. Get in touch to see how we can help.

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Whatever the project, if you’re looking for quality, expert fabrication then we have the team to help.

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